One of my favorite work responsibilities is visiting college campuses, like Texas A&M, to recruit new grads to work at Weinstein Spira. I often present a slide show to students that depicts things to know when charting a career path in accounting. These are the...
The Balancing Act
Weinstein Spira Blog
Weinstein Spira’s blog, The Balancing Act, provides helpful information on technical accounting and CPA firm culture.
Top Categories: Culture Tax Audit Our Team Employee Benefit Plan Audits
Run Your Life Like a Business: Budget Wiselybudget
Every company goes through an annual planning and budgeting process to operate their business, so they are able to meet both fixed and capital expenses—making changes as needed to react to inevitable ups and downs in the market. To grow their business, they may need...
Take a Listen: Podcast Recommendations
As busy as we all are, it’s important to schedule some relaxation time to chill and de-stress. But, this doesn’t always have to mean going to the gym or doing yoga. It can take the form of exercising your mind, by listening to an interesting, informative podcast,...
Near-term Trends in the Auditing Profession
Independent, third-party audits have long been viewed as a necessary component of doing business. It’s something that generally must be performed in response to outside forces (i.e., banking institutions, external equity holders, etc.) in order to maintain a...
Structure + Action = Organization
Have you ever thought to yourself “there is so much to do and so little time”? If so, you are not alone. Everyone has had an overwhelming feeling at some point, but it is what we can do to overcome those feelings that make us successful. The biggest contributors to...
Tips for First-Year Tax Accountants to be Successful
You’ve chosen a great career that, from everything we can see, will always be around. Regardless of technology advances, clients want someone to talk to, to ask questions, to help plan ahead and so on. With over 25 years as a tax accountant, I’ve seen it all. As I now...
Audit vs Tax: The Accounting Major’s Major Decision
It’s a cliché; I admit that. “I was in your spot just a couple years ago.” Yes, I was a college student who had determined that accounting was a solid major, a stable choice, and a sound decision. And accordingly, I began following through with all the steps. I looked...
Keys to a Strong International Referral Network
Globalization Today’s marketplace is more globalized than ever before, with other countries investing in the United States and vice versa. Whether you want to build “inbound” or “outbound” business relationships with foreign companies, it is advantageous to have a...
The New Power Suit
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up in the morning? Is it… What am I going to have for breakfast? What is the weather like today? How long will it take me to get to work? If you are like me (and most people), the first thing that may come to...
Leadership from the Accounting Department
Accounting departments play a unique, business-critical role within organizations. An accounting department that works typically has a strong leader, which in turn makes for a strong group. Such strength helps alleviate the pressure that goes along with the job of...
4 Business Lunch Details Not to Miss
Weinstein Spira focuses on making relationships count. What better way to establish, build or maintain a relationship than sharing a meal. As business professionals, we need to take into consideration several factors that would constitute an ideal business lunch....
401(k) Plans According to Millennials
A fresh, new year always brings up resolutions. These hopes and dreams usually surround health, love and money (and follow with many questions). Some of the money questions you might be asking are: Do you know where your money is going and are you investing it wisely?...
Life in the Slow Lane: 5 Ways to Entertain Yourself in Houston Traffic
Houston is known for many great things – our World Champion Houston Astros, NASA Space Center, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, museums, theater, Tex-Mex, parks, Beyoncé, Mattress Mack, and ZZ Top, just to name a few. Houston is also well known for its traffic....
Tax by the Alphabet: A Simplified View of a Tax Accountant’s Busy Season
Tax season is hectic for everyone! But imagine how busy tax accountants must be during the months of February, March and April of every year. Being a numbers person, I can tell you that Weinstein-Spira, for example, currently prepares well over 2,500 tax filings, and...
The Tax Reform Journey: Individual and Business Implications
We’ve all waited with bated breath and now it’s finally a done deal. After much anticipation and back and forth negotiations, the dust is just starting to settle with respect to the newly passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. We don’t yet fully know how the new laws will...
Say What? How to Talk to Recruiters at a Career Fair
by Fernando Rodriguez I still remember the first day I went to a career fair while I was in college. I was 21 years old, clueless and had no idea how to talk to a recruiter. The only reason I ended up going to this event was because it was part of an assignment for a...
CFOs Checklist for a Successful New Year
“Success often comes to those who have the aptitude to see way down the road.” - Laine Burns Short-term and long-term planning is critical to the success of any company, as CFOs well know. At the beginning and end of each year, business owners and leaders are busy...
Gen Z is Coming: Is Your Company Ready?
Generation Z, or those born in 1997 or later, now make up nearly 26% of the country’s population and are about to enter and redirect our workforce. Similar to their millennial peers, Gen Z’ers have unique distinguishing characteristics and behavior patterns and will...
Excel Hacks for Accountants from Millennial Pros: Volume 3
How often do you receive Excel spreadsheets from coworkers, clients or partners that have your head spinning? Incomplete or confusing spreadsheets often can result in incomplete or confusing data. Thankfully, with the right tools by your side, you can make any Excel...
Tip of the Iceberg: Wealth Transfer Tools for Setting Future Generations up for Financial Success
How can you provide your children, and their children, with financial stability now or when you’re no longer here? What wealth transfer strategies are best for your family? Unfortunately, we can’t give you all the answers in the context of one blog post. But we can...
5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Engage in Philanthropy Year-Round
Have you heard? Today is National Philanthropy Day! This day was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals and aims to celebrate philanthropy, whether it be volunteering or charitable giving. While we are thrilled to celebrate philanthropy today, we...
Year-End Tax Strategies to Set Your Family Office Up for Success in 2018 and Beyond
Already thinking about next year’s tax deadline? Believe it or not, now may be the best time to do just that! Family office accounting can be incredibly cumbersome, as it involves coordination between various entities and individuals. In order to see successful...
Excel Hacks for Accountants from Millennial Pros: Volume 2
With an office full of accounting professionals that spend more time in Excel than we’d like to admit to ourselves, we’ve racked up quite the toolbox of best practices in the program. We’re excited to share this wealth of knowledge with you. Because Excel isn’t simply...
Tax Reform According to Millennials
Tax reform. Will it happen? Will it be good for our country? What do you know or what are you hoping to see? With the latest reports stating that legislators are aiming to have a tax reform bill on President Trump’s desk by Thanksgiving, our team is paying attention...