What work perks can you expect when choosing a career in public accounting? When evaluating a potential employer (and career path), it helps to know what to expect. This will depend on the size of the firm; however, there are some universal perks that apply to working...
Posts written by:
Kelsey Burgess
How to Find the Right Mentor in College
Having a meaningful mentor when starting college will help smooth your path to becoming the accountant you want to be. But this does not mean finding a mentor just to be able to say you have one, or to tick off an item on your to-do list. It’s about finding the...
How to Get the Most Out of Career Fairs
Are Career Fairs Worth Your Time? From my experience on both sides of the equation—as a student seeking my first accounting position and as a recruiter screening new grads to work at Weinstein Spira—I can honestly say that career fairs are a great opportunity that you...
Structure + Action = Organization
Have you ever thought to yourself “there is so much to do and so little time”? If so, you are not alone. Everyone has had an overwhelming feeling at some point, but it is what we can do to overcome those feelings that make us successful. The biggest contributors to...
The New Power Suit
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up in the morning? Is it… What am I going to have for breakfast? What is the weather like today? How long will it take me to get to work? If you are like me (and most people), the first thing that may come to...