Flexibility and adaptability to change is key when you’re a mom. I will share a bit about my experience and some tips that have helped me navigate working a full-time job in public accounting and being a parent. I’ve stopped trying to be a “super mom.” That is an...
Traditionally, starting a new job has never been an easy undertaking. After COVID-19, many companies have transitioned to a hybrid working schedule, where employees are working both remotely and in-person. This change in dynamics makes it more difficult for new...
You have heard it a thousand times— “communication is important.” But communication styles, like pant styles, vary among generations, genders, and level of authority. Most people think they are expressing their thoughts in a way that everyone understands,...
The pandemic has changed the way we do business in so many areas, and human resources is no different. As we continue to recruit accounting employees and interns—in almost all cases, remotely—we are relying on new ways to interview, having in-depth discussions about...
A Home Away from Home Accountants are notorious for spending long hours at work, so much so that it can become like a home away from home, where certain creature comforts are sought. A paradigm shift from previous generations, the concept of workplace culture is now...