Time management and self-discipline are key factors when you want to have a well-balanced lifestyle, especially during times of increased stress. A well-balanced lifestyle includes optimal health in all aspects of our life: fitness, health, relationships, work, and emotional happiness.
When we talk about well-being, a lot of people think of eating healthy foods and working out non-stop. Yet, minor changes in multiple areas of our life can lead to healthy routines and eventually a balanced lifestyle.
It is known that for accountants’, their busy season occupies a lot of their time. So, having good time management and self-discipline is crucial. In this blog, I will share some of my tips and motivations that have helped me be successful at achieving a balanced lifestyle as an accountant who goes through the waves of busy season.
The U.S Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise including walking, cycling, or running. It is very common to hear the phrase, “I don’t have time for that.” But if you make it a priority, you’ll find the time. Keep in mind that you don’t need to start with 150 minutes. Start with what you can and gradually increase over time. The first tip is to believe in yourself and your desire to make it happen. Choose an activity that suits you, then plan accordingly. I also recommend finding a workout buddy. It helps tremendously to keep you accountable and on a consistent routine. This could be your partner, a friend, or even having your children cycling alongside of you. Then, set a specific time for your activity. If you are an early bird like me, joining a gym will be a good alternative. If your child plays a sport, use their practice time for a walk or take your dog for a stroll around your neighborhood. Remember, where there’s a will, there’s a way.
However, motivation may not always be present. Years ago, I was struggling with motivating myself until one night, while surfing Facebook, I came across a group called “I run for Michael.” This is a group in which healthy athletes are matched with a disabled person and we become their legs. Every time I find myself out of energy, I think of my buddy Cameron, and this has become my motivation to find the time and to keep moving.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle often requires a balanced diet. While some may have the mentality that healthy food is expensive and lacks flavor, consider your body as a very expensive vehicle. You don’t want it to run on cheap mixed gasoline. Therefore, it is very important to watch what we eat and drink. Try to swap sodas for water. Miss the fizz? Try carbonated water until your tastebuds adjust. Start replacing starches with vegetables or salads. There will be instances when we don’t have the time to cook our meals, so it is important to make yourself aware of the restaurants around you and be conscious of their options. According to a Harvard nutritionist, five types of food that make you feel tired and stressed are industrial seed oils, processed foods, added and refined sugars, fried foods, and artificial sweeteners. Ideally, home-cooked meals are healthier. Moreover, consider preparing these meals with products bought around the perimeter of a grocery stores. The middle aisles typically offer processed foods which as mentioned previously are not a good choice.
For me, planning and cooking two or three meals ahead of time has helped me to reduce eating out. A lot of people feel discouraged because they change their habits and don’t lose weight but try not to think of it in that way. Instead, think about the benefits in the long run. How amazing would it be to avoid high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or having to take medication for them.
It is important to stay connected to family and friends and keep the relationships healthy and open to communication. I try to have at least one meal a week with all my family members to talk about school, projects, their next vacation, or life in general. Also, I try to talk to a different friend every week and catch up on their life, which usually only takes 15 – 20 minutes. This can be done while you are cooking, folding the laundry, or doing any chore that allows you to multitask. They will appreciate your time and, believe it or not, it will also make you feel better to get your mind away from that tax return or audit that is keeping you stressed.
Busy season takes a lot of time away from us. We need to plan our week activities accordingly and around our work schedule. After all, work pays our bills and is a necessity. However, do not let the busy season take all your time. Once again, planning is key. Know how many hours you will be working, spread them throughout the week, be self-conscious of when to stop, turn the computer off and make time for yourself. If necessary, set an alarm and find that stopping point. It can be difficult at times, but not impossible.
Emotional Happiness
It is normal to find ourselves stressed and it is easy for stress to lead to negative thoughts, tired bodies, low performance, and unhappy selves. This is when activities like yoga, meditation, or prayer can help, and they don’t require a lot of time. I started meditation when I found out my employer, Weinstein Spira, offers a 15-minute Mindful Meditation session every Friday for employees to join. I also have reminders set to find a good stopping point on the current task I’m on to take a quick 15-minute break and to reset and focus on something else. These breaks have helped me to be more proficient and focused the rest of the day. We also tend to be very hard on ourselves. Through meditation, I have learned the importance of positive thoughts. From a recent session I wrote a note to myself, “I have the power to control and create my happiness” which I stuck on my computer monitor. This note of positivity helps me to overcome the struggles, that like it or not, are always part of our lives.
To conclude, time management and self-discipline are good habits that can help us to have a well-balanced lifestyle. This, in turn, leads to a healthier well-being and a better person overall, which are both very important to our daily performance, especially during busy season.