During pandemic or non-pandemic times, it can be daunting to land that first entry-level job right out of college. Likewise, an early career move from one company to another comes with a certain amount of interview anxiety. At any given point in time, there are many...
After working from home for so many months, a big reveal for me and countless others has been the importance of communication—both casual communication and deliberate conversations that drive business excellence. That includes problem-solving, feedback sessions,...
Having worked with a lot of accounting interns over the years has given me insight into the do’s and don’ts that can determine a successful internship. In this article, I will share some tips to keep in mind as you embark on your internship journey. Before You Begin...
A Home Away from Home Accountants are notorious for spending long hours at work, so much so that it can become like a home away from home, where certain creature comforts are sought. A paradigm shift from previous generations, the concept of workplace culture is now...
There is really no “typical” day to speak of in my experience as an audit senior. I find that every day is different based on the season. My busy season spans from January to the end of May for corporate clients, during which I am hyper-focused. Then, I have a bit of...